What is Elasticsearch ?

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What is Elasticsearch ?


elasticsearch; It is an enterprise-level search engine with open source code, using the Java language developed Lucene infrastructure, with its widely deployable and easily scalable features. Elasticsearch, which is preferred by companies (Verizon, Netflix, Symantec, Facebook, etc.) with large data processing capacities (Big Data), is preferred because of its high performance in operations such as data search, queries, content search and suggestions. Elasticsearch, which can be accessed through a comprehensive and detailed API, can make your searches quickly and easily thanks to its data discovery feature.

Elasticsearch usage features

Log Analysis (Log Analytics)
You can analyze unstructured and semi-structured logs produced by websites, mobile devices, servers, sensors and other sites that offer various applications such as digital marketing, advertising technology, gaming and IoT.

Full Text Search
It allows you to provide your customers with a rich search experience. Search results; It has the ability to create advanced search criteria, as well as the function that allows narrowing it in value ranges such as price, product features and brands.

Distributed document store
It powers your application with an easy-to-use JSON document-based storage platform. So you can build high-performance applications that can store and retrieve billions of documents.

Real-time application monitoring
Elasticsearch indexes data and makes analysis available in real time (in less than a second). Then you can use Kibana, which comes integrated with Elasticsearch, for operational analysis such as visualizing the data and identifying interruptions and problems.
Benefits of Elasticsearch

Easy to use API option
Elasticsearch offers REST-based APIs with a simple HTTP interface. It uses JSON documents making it easy to index, search and query your data.
Lots of free tools and plugins (Tool and Plug-ins)
Elasticsearch comes integrated with Kibana, a popular visualization and reporting tool. It also offers internal integration with Logstash to easily transform source data and upload data to your own directory using predefined templates. In addition, many open source plugins allow you to add rich functionality to elasticsearch.
Using scattered inverted indexes, Elasticsearch quickly makes the best matches from very large datasets for your full-text searches.
Support for your most used scripting language
There are various open source clients for Elasticsearch developers. It provides support for Java, Python, PHP, Java Script, Node.js, Ruby and many other coding languages.

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