Web Design: Psychological Tactics Used

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Web Design: Psychological Tactics Used
It is important data obtained from the history of humanity. We learn what we have learned new, what we have or what we should not do. E.g; Just as a small child who wants to touch a hot stove will not touch it after his hand is burned.

Today's person is able to access the Internet and how to use a computer or another. they have a clear idea of ​​how they should navigate the website and social media they naturally navigate in traffic. The formation of this formation; Today's web design, with the structure of the human mind being correct and reacting to certain stimuli. The reactions of the users are analyzed by the program that came today and certain design options can be produced from the information revealed. So, will we take advantage of this benefit? By the way; How will you generate visitors and feedback? Let's talk about a few tips.

Give visitors priority to take action

When your visitors are given an incentive (eg Gift Certificate), you require them to take a special action. Thus, every incentive given has a specific message. This message is a call-to-action for the visitor. Basically your website; You can use its many elements such as ideas, content, colors, sounds and images to encourage the visitor and better think about how you should act.

Use the "suggestion" power

Every user who visits your website has something to choose from. They can choose to take direct action from the homepage, click another page of your site, or leave your site. The job of web designers is to help the visitor choose the option they want.

For everything you offer, you can highlight certain choices with titles such as "most popular choice" or "most preferred" and different colors. This can cause the visitor to stumble and become a genuine recommendation for the indecisive visitor.

Explain everything clearly and simply

One of the mistakes made when designing a site is to think that the visitor knows everything. When a visitor lands on your homepage, they may not even have a clue what your business is doing. You need to be suspicious of anything that will cause clicks and make sure that even the title reflects the service you are describing.

The idea that web design is only about visuals has been destroyed for a long time. Created in the designs of today's websites; various analysis methods, user behaviors and experiences resemble a vast ocean where psychological tactics are applied.

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