10 Practical Ways to Rank High on Google
30 July 2020 / 0 Comment
We know that there are two formulas for ranking high on Google. The first of these is to rank higher with “SEO”, that is, organic results. The other is “Google ADS” ads. However, a user who searches on Google does not trust the results that he sees as "advertisement" as well as the results. This once again emphasizes the importance of SEO studies. Definition of SEO; The word “SEO” consists of the initials of the phrase Search Engine Optimization. Its Turkish equivalent is expressed as search engine optimization. If we examine the SEO work, as the name suggests, we can describe it as a work that makes internet projects suitable for search engines with certain rules and ensures that the sites rank higher in searches. Source: https://www.seocu.com/seo Practical SEO Tips With some working methods and tools, you can rank your site higher in Google. We recommend that you get support from a software developer while applying these techniques, which we will share below. As the Grifa team, we support you in software and technical issues. Now let's come to these practical methods; 1. Strategy Creation and Development
Bu sadece SEO çalışması için geçerli değil. Her iş strateji ile başlar. Zaman planlaması, finansal durumlar, ekip oluşturulması Vb. Aşağıda adım adım örnek bir SEO stratejisi oluşturalım;
• İlk önce hedef belirleyerek işe başlayalım.
• Kapsamlı bir site denetimi kullanarak zayıf ve eksik yönleri belirleyin. Rekabet ortamını araştırın.
• Ardından, tespit edilen eksik ve hataları ortadan kaldırabilirsiniz.
• Önceliklerinizi belirleyin.
• Bütçenizi planlayın; içerik harcamaları, reklam maliyetleri Vb.
• Ekibinizi oluşturun; yazılım ekibi, editör kadrosu Vb.
• Çalışmaların verimliliğini takip etmek adına, Google Analytics ve Search Console doğrulamalarını gerçekleştirin.
2. Teknik SEO Hatalarını Düzeltin
Aşağıda sitenizin teknik SEO hatalarını tespit edebileceğiniz yöntemleri paylaşıyoruz;
• Tüm sayfalarınızı kullanıcı olarak gezerek, tespit edebileceğiniz tasarımsal hataları bulun.
• Profesyonellerden SEO analizi talep edin. Gerekirse bunun için ödeme yapın.
• Ücretli veya ücretsiz SEO analiz araçlarını kullanın; Ahrefs, Semrush, SEOCU.COM SEO Analiz aracı Vb.
Yukarıda ki paylaştığımız yöntemler ile tespit ettiğiniz eksiklerinizi yazılım ekipleriniz ile uygulamaya geçirebilirsiniz. Eğer bir yazılım ekibiniz yoksa, mutlaka bir profesyonelden destek almanızı önermekteyiz. Bu yöntemleri kullanarak, sitenizde bulunan kopya sayfalardan, eksik meta etiketlerinden ve bir çok hatadan kurtulacaksınız.
3. Mobil Kullanılabilirlik
More than 60% of internet users visit websites and shop with mobile devices. Who wants to lose such a large audience? Of course nobody wants it. Therefore, make sure that your site is usable on all devices. In addition, Google has now switched to the mobile first index structure. In other words, your first priority crawled version for Google is your mobile version site. Another thing to note is that there are no contextual differences between your mobile site and your desktop site. If you have content on the desktop version site and not on the mobile version, Google will most likely not index your content. 4. URL Optimization URL structure is an important factor in user experience. Your URLs, which are remembered by your visitors, enable users to reach your site easily on the next visit. In addition, it allows search engine bots to index your site more accurately and with high quality. Our recommendations for SEO-friendly URLs are as follows; • Avoid unnecessary extensions • Determine URL compatible with page content • Don't use expressions such as numbers, Turkish characters, underscores (_) Non-Optimized URL Example; grifa.com.tr/category/hizmetler/id?256 SEO Compatible URL Example; grifa.com.tr/web-design 5. Regular Content Update Content updates are an important signal that directly affects your ranking. By updating your service content or blog content that you published a few years ago, you can rank your page higher. We recommend that you include this update process in the routine of your work in the right plan. 6. Create Blog Content Blogging on your site will generate a steady stream of traffic and fans to your site. Pay attention to topic consistency in your blog content. When a web design agency creates a blog about monitor repair, it can harm the whole site. As we mentioned in our previous article, update your blog content from time to time.
7. Quality and Original Content All the content you use throughout your site should be original and created by experts. Collected content or duplicate content does more harm than good to your site. It will also get you into trouble with copyright. Keep your content rich. Make your content fun with original images, videos, and infographics. Remember that the content you publish will benefit you when it is read. It's up to you to get your content read. 8. Social Shares Use social networks actively. These platforms are effective tools through which you can drive traffic to your site. You can create groups where you can communicate with your potential customers, and share posts that will encourage them to click on your links. You can also create low-budget ad campaigns. If you have content that you trust, you can attract an average of 100 - 1000 daily social traffic with the advertising campaign you will create. You can increase your site traffic and page views with low cost. 9. Competitor Analysis
Before starting a race, you should know who is in the race. Spend as much time on your successful competitors' site as you do on your own. You can also use our competitor analysis suggestions below; • Register your competitors' successful keywords • Examine the content they are successful with these words and you create a better one 10. Publish Press Releases Submit press releases about your company to popular news sites. Include a link to your site in your submitted content. With this method, you will both gain traffic and create popularity on Google. To Summarize How to Succeed at Google Spend time on your site and see it as part of your business. Rest assured, you will be rewarded for all the hard work you put into your site. The only definition of being successful in Google; with patience and care, is to make your site your users love. If you think about your users, Google will reward you.
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